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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Bryan had a great Trapline Run

Vikki has to say she did not want to Post... but thank you all for your support and she knows this feeling of hurt will pass.  Bryan got back last night with the camera full of neat stuff.  We are still learning how to do the videos so please bear with us. The first one is of an American Dipper (Water Oslo) on the Inklin River.  This little bird stays up here all winter.... it can be seen at -30 c still looking for open water.


  1. Bryan and Vikki, I so enjoy your posts. Please know that you have much more support than you know. I thank you for sharing the great adventures you have with each other and the beautiful outdoors. Jerry

  2. Looks like Ishi knows what the wolverine is and doesn't want to have anything to do with it!

  3. Super idea this video .. , and forget the last '' imbecile '' , you have all my good comments ... , and if i can help , you are welcome..

  4. I have been following you two for over a year. I look forward to the note in my email that says there is a new post from Happy Trappers! Keep posting!

  5. Brian and Vicki - I look forward to seeing a note in my email that says that there is a new post from Happy Trappers. Keep the posts and pictures coming.

  6. Hey there, nice content but how about a few longer videos?


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