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Monday, November 26, 2012

Banking up the Cabin, Lake Edges still open, Scalloped Potatoes

 Now that there is finally some snow Vikki was able to bank up the cabin and the chicken coup. 

 If your cabin looks like this you can make a big difference by getting snow up to past the floor.
Even though it has been - 10 c to -18 C the edges of the lake are still open. 

SCALLOPED POTATOES cooking on the wood stove all day for Bryan's return tonight.  Vikki took the lid off for the photo.  
You slice the onions and pototoes thinly and layer with salt, pepper and butter on each row.  Then Vikki heated up some Condensed Milk with water and poured over the top.  It takes about 5 hours on the wood stove.  When finished you can add some cheese to top for the last 15 min.
We like to talk lots when Bryan comes back from being out at the linecabins so supper is always made well in advance. 


  1. My aunt used to live in Massachussetts, and they banked their home, too.

  2. That reminds me of my early days on the prairies of southern Minnesota. The farmers would all stack hay bales around their base of their houses and up a few rows on the North and West sides to protect against the long winter winds from the Dakotas. Of course that made for good mouse habitat as well. The other guideline was that you needed a pile of firewood the size of your house to make it through the winter. In the late 1800's there were not all that many trees to burn so farmer's would make do by burning well-dried cow pies. The potatoes look great!

  3. I like the little cooking tips and recipes you include in your posts. A little variety provides a big boost to moral and well-being when one is isolated from social contact.

  4. I simply LOVE your new header with the ice frozen on top of rocks and like chandeliers along the edge of the ice!

  5. I remember "helping" Dad bank up our house in the fifties too.


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