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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Marten, Ishi and Bryan fixes the Generator

 While Bryan was rebuilding the bed in the linecabin down on the Inklin, Ishi was outside bringing a collection of throwing sticks for when Bryan came out.  There she was sitting patiently.... waiting with all her finds.
 Tracks of otter and rabbits.  Bryan also say a Beaver sitting out on the ice.  Lots of Moose tracks, Fisher tracks, Rabbit tracks and Marten. 

 As daylight was going fast, Bryan drained the Honda generator encase it was dirt that was the problem.  Then he checked the spark plug.... right away he saw the problem.  That new spark plug had a solid piece shorting it out.  He replaced the spark plug and it started right up.


  1. Was it carbon? I'm assuming this is not debris that would have come through a fuel filter.

    I like the 'forced air' solution for the crawl space. It's possible if you vented that to the outside it would draw even w/o the fan running if there was an outside draft. Splitting the piping in the crawl space would diversify the heat, too, and heat up more 'mass.'

  2. Very hard carbon. Bryan didn't explain to Vikki why it happened. Great idea about the split pipes


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